Pascagoula Spotlight Grant
The Pascagoula Elks Lodge #1120 purchased move-in kits for the Gulf Coast area U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Veterans. The kits, purchased with a combination of Elks Lodge Spotlight Grant and member donated funds, included pots, pans, mixing bowls, dinnerware, flatware, and kitchen towels. Rear-row left to right are helper Kimberly Younger, Secretary Eva Baugh, GCVHCS Program Staff members Fran Bey & Amber Kaufman. Front-row left to right are PER Sherwood Beckham, Veterans Committee Chairman Tony Olson, Exalted Ruler Joe Parisi, member Karen Windham, GCVHCS Program Staff Tiffany Johnson, Jodie Picciano-Swanson, and Joe Devlin. The annual Elks Lodge Spotlight Grant focuses on two key areas, family literacy, and Veteran homelessness. Thanks to all the members and friends of the Pascagoula Elks that donated additional funds to make this a success. Elks Care and Elks Share.
