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Mississippi Elks
Youth Camp

The Mississippi Elks Camp is a not-for-profit corporation that is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of children in the state of Mississippi and surrounding areas.


Our Goals

Our goal is for every person who joins us at the Mississippi Elks Camp to recognize how special they are through active participation in a variety of activities, in a natural setting, with concerned and caring counselors.

We strive to provide a safe environment for children to learn and grow mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially.

At Mississippi Elks Camp we provide a place where people develop leadership and other important life skills that will allow them to excel through the higher and broader demands of mature life.

If your child has not been able to attend camp in the past, because of disability, handicap, or financial hardship, we want to welcome you to our camp. We want EVERY child to be able to experience the joy of going to camp and will make every reasonable accommodation to ensure you and your camper have the best possible experience. 

Who are Mississippi Elks?

The Mississippi Elks are part of a nation-wide fraternal organization, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The organization was chartered in 1868, with the goals of promoting charity, justice and brotherly love. Today the Elks are known primarily for their support of United States veterans, providing scholarships to high school seniors, promoting anti-drug campaigns in schools, and helping the less fortunate in their communities.


There are eleven Elks Lodges in Mississippi: Corinth, Clarksdale, Greenville, Greenwood, Canton, Vicksburg, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Gulfport and Pascagoula. Elks come from all walks of life, and membership is open to both men and women, aged 21 and older, who believe in God, and are United States citizens.


The motto of the BPOE is "Elks Care, Elks Share." 


What is our camp?

Located just outside of Hattiesburg, the Camp is the Mississippi Elk's State Major Project. It is maintained and administered by members from each lodge. The camp is open for use by families, church groups, Scouts, and corporate retreats. Located on 26 acres of piney woods, the Camp features six cabins, with bunk beds and restrooms, as well as accommodations for leaders, and a Director's cabin.


Campers can enjoy swimming in the crystal clear pool, hiking through the pine forests, and playing games and eating in the large, screened-in dining hall.

Why come to our camp?

Our busy world is changing faster than ever before. Most of us would have never thought that children playing outdoors in their backyards and neighborhoods would become a rarity? But, today's kids spend between 40 and 60 hours per week attached to electronic cords, and the rest of their time is usually scheduled between school, sports and other extracurricular activities. For others, there is no safe place to play outdoors. This new lifestyle has resulted in many negative effects including stress-related disorders, reduced brain development, obesity, poor muscle development, a lack of knowledge about nature, and more. And, it's not just the kids! As more and more adults get more connected, they too are retreating to their couches, instead of enjoying the outdoors.


Coming to the Elks Camp encourages families to take a step back from the hurried lifestyle to which we have become used to, and recognize the need for all of us, but especially our children, to have free time for play in nature. 

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