Government Relations
Chairman Message
Hello, for those that may not know who I am, my name is Spence Rees and I am the State Government Relations Chairperson. Everyone including me asks what does this committee do? Well we try to monitor any legislation coming before our local, state, or federal governments to see if any proposed legislature will affect the local lodges, the state association, or the ELKS as a whole. If you hear of anything that we may need to be aware of please send me a copy or a link to gateman@bellsouth.net.
That is only one part of what we do. We are also responsible for ensuring that the order and our lodges are able to retain their non profit status! How do we do this you ask? We can’t! Not without you doing your part! Every Lodge has a Charity Workbook, if you haven't seen it ask your secretary or go to CHARITY WORKBOOK (elks.org - manuals - charity workbook and click on download not the manual itself.) This manual has all of the reporting codes and blank sheets you can copy and use for getting the information to your secretary.
So you are now saying I dusted off the manual now what do I do with it? Remember our whole reason for existence is to provide charitable, civic and community assistance. Everything we do is in some way related to one of these categories. If you are doing anything that is related to one of these categories, report it. The easiest way is to keep a Government Relations Monthly reporting form handy.
It is highly suggested that you fill out this report monthly as it is cumulative for the whole year.
That way you won’t forget to enter something throughout the year. Are you not sure if something should be reported? If in doubt fill it out. The secretary can make the determination. If the secretary has a question I will be glad to make the call on whether it should be in there or not. I would rather turn stuff down then beg for the input. One thing that seems to get overlooked is one of the largest charitable items that every lodge is pretty much required to do: ENF! ALL DONATIONS to ENF are reportable!
Even though we do a great job sending them to ENF we do not fill out our charitable reporting forms! Make sure you put that one in your books. If you do something like a Veterans Bingo once a month, you can make an average entry one time to cover the year. (if 3 ELKS go once a month and drive 10 miles each way and spend 4 hours each time. 3*4=12 12*12mos=144 ELK Hours 3*10miles=30 30*2 both ways=60 60*12=720 ELK miles) plus expenses for food, games etc. plus cash given and date it 3/31 of the lodge year end, and you don't have to worry about it again! Easy! Mid Winter, State and National conventions. If you are attending, part of the business meeting is all about the charitable works we do… Therefore the GL committee has determined that 1/2 of the business meeting time and travel to and from is …. Reportable! This does not count the time you take to do shots at the hospitality rooms!
OK so you filled out the form now what… Are you reporting for a state committee? or your local lodge? If you are doing this report for a local lodge event you will give or send these reports to your local lodge secretary. If you are doing this work as a district or state chairperson then your reports will go to myself. I will compile them and give them to the State Secretary for filing on CLMS for the state.
Thank you for your time and attention. I hope that now that you know, or have been reminded, about charitable reporting I will be receiving reports from the state committees. On a monthly basis, I will be checking to see if the local lodges are reporting as well. If we do not report what we are doing, we may lose our non-profit status. I don't think any of us want that to happen.
What is Reportable?
This is just a partial list of items you should include in your charitable reporting including Volunteer Time, Mileage, and cash/items donated.
Memorial Service
Eye Clinic
Betty Hise
Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts
Eagles Scouts
Little League
Law Enforcement Night
Fireman Night
Hoop Shoot
Veterans Night
Veterans Hospital Visits
Meals on Wheels
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Collect Eye Glasses
Red Cross Blood Drive
Back to School Program
Charity Poker Night
Drug Free Parties
Cruise On
Irish Festival
Cancer Research
Charity Breakfast
Golf Tournament
Taco Night
Hamburger Night
Oktoberfest Booth
Christmas Food Baskets
Children Christmas Party
Easter Egg Hunts
Ladies Organizations Donations
Local Police Departments
County Sheriff Department
Police Dog
Cancer Care
Quilts Donated to Eye Clinic
Veterans Hospitals
Ladies Tea Party
Golf Ball donations to Veterans
Relay for Life
Drug Trailer
Honor Flights to DC
Crab Feeds
Legislative Days
DD Clinics
Lodge meetings
3 L Meetings
Safe Haven
Kids Camp
Cerebral Palsy
Children Medical Center
Elks Rehabilitation System
Fire Safety Training
Camp Make-A-Dream
Elks Therapy Program