Do you love the following: God, family, The United States of America, your local community, and great friends? If so, then you already are an Elk in mind and spirit, you now only need to make it official.
Please reach out to your local lodge and ask about becoming a member. It's a chance to be a part of your community and make it a better place. A chance to work with great people who like to do great things. Whether you want to work with youths to keep them away from drugs, or if you want to help veterans in need, there is a program for you.
The Details
To be eligible for membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, you must be a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 who believes in God.
You must be sponsored by a member of the Elks Lodge and reside in the jurisdiction of the Lodge you wish to join. You also need two other Elks who will be your co-sponsors. The Elk who proposes you for membership must obtain a Membership Application from the Lodge Secretary.
After your proposer fills in the required portion, you will be given the Application for Membership. Fill it in, following the instructions and answering all questions. Return the completed application to the Lodge Secretary with the prescribed fees.
Your application will be read at a regular Lodge meeting. It will then be forwarded to the Investigating Committee, who will call you and set up a time for you and your sponsor to meet with the committee so that they can interview you.
After the interview is concluded, the committee will report to the Lodge concerning your membership. The members will be given a notice not less than 10 days nor more than two months before the vote will be taken.
When the vote is concluded, you will be notified and asked to present yourself and your spouse for indoctrination. During indoctrination, you will learn more about the Order's programs and charities. You will also be told during the program the date you will be initiated.
After initiation as an Elk, you can take part in all meetings and social functions of the Lodge.
If for any reason your application is rejected, you cannot make application for membership for six months from the date of rejection.
The first step is to let the Lodge nearest you know that you want to join! They will be happy to assist you in getting a application for membership or going to the Grand Lodge website and filling out a form and you will then be contacted by the local membership chair.