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Special Advisory Meeting Hotel Rates

For those wishing to attend the reception at the Biloxi Elks lodge on February 14th, I have been able to reserve a block of 25 rooms at Treasure Bay Hotel & Casino. These will be available on a first come first served basis until February 1st. The room rate will be $119. After February 1st they will return to the regular rates of $145-$165. If you choose to book a room tell them you are with the Mississippi BPOE Elks to receive the discounted rate. You may find a better rate elsewhere but due to this event falling on "Valentine's Day" this is the best rate they could let me have.

Please keep in mind that if you are a member of the casino player's club and have receiving a mailing offering a lower rate, please use it. They are valid and offer an even lower discounted rate.

As this is a once in a lifetime event for our state let me encourage you to attend.

Mike Nobles

Special Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler


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