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State Convention Update

To All MS State Lodges and Members,

As of today the State Trustees, President, President-elect, Vice President, and Convention Committee have made the decision to cancel Spring Convention in Pearl, MS. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuing spread of infection in the state we believe this to be in the best interest of the association membership at this time. We are hopeful that conditions might change in the next 30 to 60 days and possibly reschedule the convention. However, If things do not improve we will look at alternatives as far as the election and installation of officers, budget approval and other business normally conducted at the convention. We will keep you informed of future plans or developments as they occur. The hotel has been contacted and been very cooperative and understanding of our situation. However, if you have made personal room reservations I would suggest you contact the Holiday Inn in Pearl and make sure your room reservation is canceled. If you have sent Rachel and Dave Cook a registration form and check they will contact you about refunding or returning your check. These are extraordinary times and this decision is regretful. We hope we have your understanding and support. We continue to encourage all our members to abide by MSDH recommendations and the advice of your personal physician in regard to protecting yourselves and family from exposure to this virus.

Fraternally Yours,

Mike Nobles SDGER-MS


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