Americanism Essay Contest

The winners for the State of MS Americanism Essay contest (What makes you proud of America) are both from D’iberville, MS
Biloxi had 50 essays turned in and Hattiesburg had 1 no other lodges from our state had participants.
Division 1- 5th & 6th grade winner was Abigail Gibson and Division 2 - 7th & 8th grade winner was Kaylee Seymour both these winners received each a plaque from Biloxi lodge along with a $100. Gift card each. These young ladies also won the state of Mississippi division 1&2 and received a large plaque for participating in the contest, they both received a $100. Gift card from the MS Elks Association. Both were recognized this past Saturday at Biloxi Elks Awards banquet for their hard work they did on their essays.