ENF Year Ending Soon. Donate Today.
Hello fellow Elks! The end of the Elk year is about 2 1/2 months away. Just a reminder that all ENF donations need to be into the Grand Lodge ENF office before April 1st. Also, secretaries will be sending out dues statements soon. This is the perfect time to order the FREE “Dues Mailing Bucks Slips” to insert with those dues statements! Go ahead and get your members while they already have their checkbooks out! You can call ENF to get these or you can go to ENF.org and find them under “Soliciting and Submitting Donations.” At mid-winter conference, we were ranked 4th in the nation. As of 1/8/2019, we are ranked 6th in the nation. Let’s make the next two months count and push for ENF. On a final note, I want to thank everyone who supported me with my raffle in memory of my Dad. With your help, I raised $636 for ENF. He would be grateful for all of your support for a charity that was so close to his heart. Yours in Elkdom, Michelle Gordon Little PS- below are the current lodge standings for our state.