Executive Order

Troy M. Nobles
Hattiesburg, Mississippi Lodge No. 599
34 Elms Court
Hattiesburg, MS 39402-8508
Pursuant to the authority of Article IV Section 9 of the Constitution and with the recommendation
of State Sponsor Michael F. Smith, Past Grand Exalted Ruler and due to the untimely passing
of Michael K. Gordon, Sr., I hereby APPOINT you to complete the unexpired term of Special
Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the State of Mississippi. This action will be effective on the date
of this Executive Order.
Congratulations on your appointment.
Each Lodge Secretary is hereby directed to read this Executive Order in its entirety and place
record thereof into the Lodge minutes of the next regular meeting.
This Order shall remain in full force and effect subject to further order of this Office.
Executed this XXth day of May 2018 in the Township of Lyndhurst, County of Bergen, State of
New Jersey.
