State Business Meeting July 25th, 2020
Barring any new restrictions related to the COVID-19 Pandemic, a meeting of the Mississippi State Elks Association is planned for July 25, 2020, in Vicksburg MS.
Vicksburg Lodge 95 has graciously agreed to host this meeting. I am requesting that the current State Trustees and State Secretary be on site for a brief meeting at 9:30 A.M. to be followed by the business meeting at 10:00 A.M. until business is concluded. After the business meeting, guests will be permitted to enter for the swearing-in of new officers and award presentations.
Please be aware that social distancing will be required and any other mandates by the State Government and/or Department of Health will be adhered to.
Any Elk in good standing is welcome to attend this meeting. Lodge officers normally required to attend will be excused if they feel it is in their best interest. The health and well being of our membership will always be our first concern.
It is my understanding that Vicksburg will provide a box lunch for a nominal fee. Please try to provide a headcount to the District Deputies, if at all possible, so they can make preparations for those wishing to have lunch before leaving.
If you have any questions or concerns please me or one of the District Deputies as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in Vicksburg.
Mike Nobles